Blinded By The Lights

So I recently bought a set of photography lights, and to be honest, they’re kinda old. 

2024 has been quite a rough year for me and photography, I have had a few wins but mostly losses. Now, at the end of the year, it has left me thinking about what I want my practice to look like. What do I want to do? 

One thing that has been on my mind is to secure my first editorial commission. I have given talks, facilitated workshops and lectured regularly, but I have yet to do an editorial commission. I was talking to my students about this fact, and they asked why, and I said honestly, I am not a safe choice. I know where my strengths lie, and I know my weaknesses. I don’t think my photography is cohesive enough or it doesn’t show enough examples similar to the work I want to get booked for. So this is the plan: I want to work on my portfolio, hone in on my approach to shoots, my workflow and try and bag my first editorial commission. 

Now, back to the lights I bought. With the above in mind. I saw a deal for a pair of wireless lights and thought I’d grab them. I need something with more punch than a Speedlight, and I need the practice, so why not?  Well, I got them, and they’re archaic!! Some any old lights, they don’t even have a screen on them; it’s just a dial with a tiny LED that blinks on and off for every stop of power. 

Admittedly, they have a charm to them, but I feel like if I am trying to hone my skills, these lights may not be the best choice, but then maybe they are better than nothing. I have choices to make. For now, though, I shot these self-portraits using said lights as part of my Practice Hours. 

The Streets - Blinded By The Lights


Photoworks Weekender Workshop


I Used To Love Her